Once I had all parts together I was keen on starting to build. I got my daughters to help a little as an experience for them. Choosing the 25-622 tires was a perfect decision. They fit snuggly in the frame and absolutely perfect on the Fulcrum 4s.

Once I was in the project I got into the flow and finished it off. I was a bit surprised when I had a look at the time … it was already past 1 am in the morning. Ooops.. 😀

Starting to look like something
Finished! V1.0

Next I will have to make some experience riding it to establish the correct fit. Saddle height as well as handlebar position feel good for starters but I need to take a long ride to know for sure. Once known I can cut the seat post to shave some weight and maybe lower the stem and cut the fork accordingly. Also need to find out if the stem length is fitting.

So there might be some V1.1 or V1.2. But we are live with the product 😀

2 thoughts on “BIKE BUILD – CHAPTER 9 (BUILT IT)

  1. Hotte says:

    looks good and you were pretty fast in building the bike – probably the last time for the bike on the sofa …
    I would prefer less white and more black – but looking forward to meet the bike in reality when it gets warmer again !

  2. J.F. says:

    Thank you! It is very white – true. I liked the “calmness” of the frame. I don’t like too colorful or too much irritating logos or stuff on bikes to be honest. I will plan a tour once weather and covid conditions allow to join you in your usual “hunting area” 😀

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