Last weekend we finished our first bike packing on road bikes. Somehow I connect bike packing with gravel, single tracks, sleeping in a hut or in a tent. So I find Road Trip sounds more like it 😄
We had the idea quite some time and finally chose to try it out. Basically the idea is to plan a much too long tour for one day and then let weather, fitness and commitment decide the rest. How far we get, which place to stay, when to return, if to take an alternate route midway…
To do so we went lightweight – one pair of biking kit, one pair for the evening. Wash in the hotel and dry until the next day. That worked really well since the hotels / Airbnb we had all had nice big radiators 😄
I can really recommend the experience. Very different to the freedom of outside in your sleeping back. But still feels very free in choice. Basically deciding about early afternoon where to stay for the night.
And you make much much more distance on road bike tours. Neither ist better or worse but just different. Definitely both are enjoyable!
If you want to have a look:
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