I thought I’d manage to write another blog post first before just announcing another video. Yet it turned out the other way around 🤷‍♂️ So if you like bike packing you might enjoy the video of Matthias and my first overnighter 2023 from the 19th to the 20th of March (see below).

Temperatures at night were above 6 °C which we know from experience our kit allows. Two things about keeping warm I would have liked to know earlier are:

  • Insulate well between you and the floor.
    My cheapest solution for this is a fleece blanket from IKEA which I put over my air mattress. I bet you can buy multiple expensive lightweight things but on a budget this blanket has been my favorite tool to stay warm.
  • Wear a beanie at night.
    A very easy hack is covering your head and ears. This will increase comfort to another level!

Here are the routes:

Stay Happy!

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